Part I:Backing off the Lines

Leaving the CofS from a position in upper management can be quite a "culture shock". For the people I've known who've done it, re-integration into the world can take years. Leaving the CofS was different for me. Backing off the lines slowly, there was no shock in the transition.

After having spent 4 years in Sea Org upper management, in 1975 I left the Flagship. My wife and I went back to my hometown of Denver. While there we decided to stay and have a family. We got approval from Mary Sue Hubbard to be posted in Denver, where I started and ran the CofS of Colorado. After growing that org into one of the largest in the world, I had one of my many "run ins" with the Guardians Office, removed from my post as CO (Commanding Officer) of the org and comm eved in LA. Even though I was exonerated, in 1978, I ended up in Clearwater posted as Sea Org Chief, managing all the Sea Org units around the world.

While in Flag management, I voiced serious disagreement with Flag's management of orgs, as well as the treatment of Sea Org family units. Having worked closely with Hubbard on the ship, I thought if I could reach him, these "outnesses" could be resolved. Unfortunately, he was unavailable. I was "busted" for not being a "team player", as I continually refused to be involved with the crazy and unethical orders and programs. I figured that I would just "tough things out". Then my wife became pregnant with our second child. Since my two-year-old daughter was already miserable there, my wife and I decided not to bring up another child in that insanity. So as not to be declared, we went through the painful process of "routing out" of the Sea Org and returned to Denver as "freeloaders". I ended up in 1979 working for my father, managing his business.

That same year, 1979, a mission was sent from what was now upper management (known as SU/Special Unit or WDC/Watchdog Committee) to find me. I was informed that my evaluations of Flag management had turned out to be correct, and was asked if I would return to Clearwater. Turning down that offer, I was then told that my removal from the CO Denver post was a mistake and that the org's stats had crashed since my leaving. The mission wanted to know if I would go back on post as CO Denver. Having a life and job in Denver now, I proposed going back in the org in the evenings to get the stats back up into the ranges that they were in when I left. After agreeing to that, I gave the mission my conditions.

The first condition was that I must be left alone by all management to do whatever I saw fit, giving me complete autonomous power with regards to the org. Secondly, there would be additional conditions once I fulfilled my part of the bargain and got the stats back up. (1) My freeloader debt would be cancelled, leaving me a public person, and (2) that auditing was to be set up for me at AOLA through OT 7. My proposal was forwarded by the mission to upper management and approved by Hubbard. Over the next many months, I fulfilled my end of the bargain, and all my conditions were then honored. So, by 1980, I found myself out of the Sea Org with no freeloader debt and just a public person again.

Later that year, in May of 1980, I received a phone call at my job from Diana Hubbard. As if the call itself wasn't enough of a shock, she then told me the purpose of her call. Apparently, there were big problems with upper management now. People trying to initiate positive changes were systematically being "shot". From our conversation, as well as the follow-up material that she sent to me, I got the idea that there were big changes occurring in upper management that was going to make things much more suppressive than ever before. Diana was extremely concerned. I also got the distinct sense that she was no longer in touch with her father.

Diana went on to say that maybe the only effective retaliation would have to be done from her post, overseeing "distribution" in the CofS. Management only seemed interested in those things that were already in place and the public already on lines. She wanted my help in this endeavor. She felt she could trust me, not only because of my previous accomplishments, but also due to the fact that I worked closely with both her parents. Not believing that anything effective could be done from Flag, I told her that my work must be done from the field.

If a strong, grassroots movement could be established, we would be in a power position, able to effect changes in current management. To begin with, I'd do an evaluation and come up with a program to accomplish our goals. She'd then have to fly to Denver to see my proposals. If approved, it would be her job to run "air cover" for me, protecting me from management and the Guardians Office. But I would work alone with autonomy. She agreed to the above and I started my evaluation. Within a month I had completed the evaluation and basic program.